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Preventative Care Screening & Vaccinations provides insurance paid screenings at work-site clinics.

Prevention Makes a Difference

Overall medical costs have been increasing annually on a national basis and are expected to do so for years. In a typical U.S. company, 15% of employees are responsible for 78% of medical expenses. These same employees are also responsible for 70% of lost productivity in the form of sick days, poor quality work, and other inefficiencies. Unhealthy employees tend to become less healthy over time, increasing the costs to their employer.

Mountain View Hospital Prevenative Services (MVH-PS) Helps

An effective solution to this business challenge is for companies to engage in active preventive care. Our programs will help you become a healthier company. Employee health, and by extension employee productivity, can be directly linked to the overall financial health of your business.

Employees who have chronic illnesses and come to work every day can have a significant negative impact on productivity. By detecting the cause and communicating with, and encouraging these employees to seek treatment, Preventative Services can become an important partner for your company. Active disease management will contribute to minimizing the potential impact that chronic illnesses have on productivity - all the while improving your bottom line.